Mapping The Fall of Angels     

 Oh, let the sun beat down upon my face And stars fill my dream; I’m a traveler of both time and space To be where I have been; To sit with elders of the gentle race This world has seldom seen;They talk of days for which they sit and wait All will be revealed” 1


God’s Topo Maps

We see a map of a country, state, or area, but to go to an exact point, you need exact minute directions. Now when we go hiking into remote areas we switch to topographic maps. These give terrain and elevation contours. This helps to know which direction to go and avoid. Many a “shortcut” is seen in the real light of how far and complex it is to reach that point. For example, In Yosemite National Park, at ten thousand feet at the top of Clouds Rest, Half Dome is three miles away. Yet in reality, this involves a seven, eight-mile hike with a descent down to seven thousand feet, and then back up to almost nine thousand feet!  

While all we need is the Bible, and it is canon or the “rule,” at times it is clearly points to other sources. These sources now available to all with the advent of the internet, now enable one to get the detailed map or even the “topo” of a given topic or context of scripture. Such sources are not replacements to Scripture, any more than detailed maps or topo are to larger source maps. I will be using such sources in this paper. Second Temple and early church fathers of 1st and 2nd centuries, accepted these sources and also held to these views.

Jesus said be ready. Understand all times

Back in the 80’s as a new believer in the Lord Jesus, I saw many Christians were preoccupied with the Last Days theme. At that time I didn’t see any relevance of the topic, when I looked at the world around me. Now about 40 years later I look at the world around me and a lot has changed. A lot of things are converging and pointing to that we are fast approaching the last days. In Matthew 24 The Lord Jesus told us to be ready and aware of the times:

Notice that the Lord Jesus speaking of His return refers to Genesis 6. Why, because he wants us to understand the time past and present as often history repeats itself.                

Understanding the Times. When is “when”?

You ever look at a word in the Bible and say, “What does that word mean”? When is “when”? The amazing thing about our Genesis fathers was their life spans. Adam lived into his great, great, great, great, great, great grandson’s life. That 8 generations! (What are our lives in comparison?) We also forget that these same antediluvians lived about 25% of all human history to date—about 1600am years till the deluge. Our lives are a drop in the bucket in comparison. We don’t spend enough time in Genesis to soak it in. What does one do during 900 years? It’s a big mistake to try to ignore almost ¼ of human history. What is worse is that we are influenced by science which does not even acknowledge the antediluvian world. Yet according to James Ussher’s chronology, Creation took place in 4004 BCE, dating the Great Deluge to 2348 BCE. 3 A consensus amongst believers who believe in “young earth” is that we are currently at about 6000 years old. So when is it in when? Some interpret vs 4 The Nephilim were on the earth in those days, and also afterward, [NASB] as angelic incursions after the flood. No. 1. It’s referring to Nephilim, not angles, and 2. Since “when” occurred in the days of Jared, a minimum of 600 years before the flood, this is speaking of them continuing to be on the earth after, that is until the flood. We’ve all seen the rapid acceleration of everything in about a 100 year time span, so likewise the Nephilim greatly increased wickedness on the earth in 5-6 centuries until the flood. You may ask, “So how did the Nephilim re-appear after the flood?” That’s for another discussion. I will give one hint. Noah was found righteous in his generation, not the other 7 on the ark!

Days of Jared

The flood was the grand final of what had been going on for years and years. A major event actually occurred about 800 years before, In the days of Enoch’s father Jared, 6th from Adam. Even his name says this.

3382 [e] vb. come or go down, descend
יֶ֕רֶד    Jared — Qal 1. a. come or go down: from (
מִן) a mountain; 4

It is from these generations of humanity that Genesis 6:1 has its context “When human beings began to increase in number on the earth and daughters were born to them.” Noah doesn’t come into the picture till verse 9 which is a few hundred years later. Finally, the deluge, explained by God in verse 13, is at least 800 years after as that’s when Enoch is taken up to pronounce judgment.. The story doesn’t start at the flood, no more than it does at the great tribulation that has already occurred. No, it ends there. Also, common sense says God didn’t just suddenly one day decide to destroy mankind, rather it was a climax of many centuries of wickedness increasing

Mount Hermon: the curse

The Rebellion of the Watchers is explained in detail in the synoptic book of 1 Enoch 6 6–11:

Doug Van Dorn, in his book Giants: Sons of the Gods (p. 60) states, “If Jude is correct and this part of the book of Enoch really does remember historical events, then it tells us when the Nephilim first arose on the earth.   It says it happened in the days of Jared.   There is a word play going on here with “Jared,” which as we have seen means “descend.”  The idea is that his father named him after the incredible events that took place in those days: the descent of the sons of God (also called sons of heaven, angels, and Watchers).   Jared was born a minimum of 800 years before the flood.   This gives plenty of time for the entire earth to become corrupt by the time Noah is called to build the ark through the Nephilim.” 7

Ryan Pitterson in his book Judgment Of The Nephilim (p. 66). also states, “So, the invasion of the fallen angels and their seduction of human women started and reached its sinful apex in Jared’s lifetime (which was concurrent with Lamech and his infamous children). The Bible’s timing of the angelic invasion falls directly in line with the record in the Book of Enoch. The Book of Jubilees, the other commonly cited extra-biblical text on the Nephilim, also puts the timing of the angelic invasion during the days of Jared:” 8

Author Gary Wayne echos, “Biblical legends clearly attribute the generation of Jared as being depraved, due to the influence of the fallen angels and the Nephilim and the influence of the mystical, state-sponsored religion enforced by giants.” 9 Other texts as the Book of Adam & Eve, and Jubilees also give other details to the story. This is seen clearly in the late Bro. Rob Skiba’s chart below.

Naamah and the Daughters of Men.

Genesis 4 describes Tubal-Cain’s sister, Naamah: “…and the sister of Tubalcain was Naamah” (Genesis 4:22). Peterson continues “Moses seems to refer to some things that happened near the beginning of the world, as well-known in his time, as in Gen. iv. 22. where he says ‘The Sister of Tubal-Cain was Naamah: Naamah in Hebrew means “beauty.” The beauty of the daughters of men is what served as the sinful temptation for the angels who sinned in the first place. They saw that the women were fair (Genesis 6:2).– Satan’s Parody of God’s Kingdom, as printed in The Rainbow, a Magazine of Christian Literature, Vol. XX, 1883, p. 438. Namaah’s brothers were all inventors in arts and sciences. This family experienced an intellectual explosion that is easily explained if heavenly beings delivered this knowledge as compensation for Naamah’s becoming the first wife of an angel and the first mother of the Nephilim.” 10 Ryan Peterson’s account is great, but he does not quote 1 Enoch or other pseudepigrapha in his book as he says, they are not in the Bible. [Yet, he uses other sources that are not in the Bible!] In the following section, I will show how the pseudepigraphical book of Adam and Eve gives more details as to what happened. Also, the act was not singular with one woman, but plural, “daughters of men”

The correct Sethite View.

Here is the Genesis 6 connection, which many wish to deny and try to make the Bible rated G only. They say the sons of God are only the sons of Seth. They saw the daughters of Cain were beautiful. “Were the daughters of Seth ugly”? 11 if the Sethites were the good guys right that’s the theory of the Sethite why did they drown in the flood you see all flesh was corrupted according to genesis 6 verse 12. so this idea the Sethite view as it’s called if you start examining it from a textual basis falls apart makes no sense now the inferred godliness of Seth is suspect because who is his son remember see only Enoch and Noah’s eight were spared no one and his three sons there’s four people and they’re four wives eight people in that ark.” 12 No these were fallen Angels. Many “Church Fathers” refered to 1 Enoch and understood the meaning of “sons of God” meaning. Rob Skiba said with pun, “ How do ‘kissing cousins” produce 30 feet giants?” Another sad distortion of the Sethite view is that the line of Seth was Different from the line of Cain by blood. Such a view accually supports  the serpant seed theory. A major event occurred not only in the line of Seth but rather also in the line of of Cain. Here the “your seed” of Genisis 3 comes into the world and wrecks havoc.

This seed war escalates when the angels of God leave their assigned duties and sin against God, man, and all of created order. The outcome is disastrous.

The real Sethite view (and the real seed of Satan view) comes to light in the Books of Adam and Eve or Conflict of Adam and Eve with Satan. In Book 2 Chapters 15-20, when Jared is tricked by a disguised Satan with whom are disguised Watcher angels.

In summary, these disguised fallen angels/sons of God get Jared to go down to see the sons and daughters of Cain, who then come beautified. A satan and the Watchers, lust and go into illicit sex with them. Jared is shocked and starts to pray. Satan and the Watchers leave. Later the children of Jared are lured down by the sons and daughters of Cain, and start participating in the same wickedness. Thus the Sons of God have sex with the daughters of men.

Synoptic Genesis

Just as the gospels are synoptic in order and fill in for each other, so there are manuscripts that compliment and fill in for Genesis. The Late Bro. Rob Skiba called them, “synchronized, biblically-endorsed, extra-biblical texts” 13 Enoch 6 and 7 also summarize what happened.

Enoch Commissioned (before the year 1000)

The Bible as well as the books of 1 Enoch and Jubilees all indicate that there was an initial (singular) “incursion” of angels, known as Watchers, who landed on Mount Hermon in the days of Jared. They are the ones who participated in The Genesis Six Experiment. 1 Enoch says the first-generation Nephilim offspring were to kill each other off within 500 years. After the children of the Watchers were all killed off, these disobedient angels were judged, bound and buried under the sands of the earth.

According to the Ethiopian and Eritrean Churches, the Book of Enoch was written by Enoch himself around the year 3300 BC 14

Now this is the context did of which the Sons of God came down. In the context of a human race that averaged a life span of over 900 years, which itself shows us what remarkable genes they had. It also makes sense to understand that the first giants (Nephilim) were 50% sons of God seed and 50% human. [This first generation was slain before 500 years of age as described in the book of 1 Enoch, which Greek myology ascribes to the Clash of Titans.] Then the hybrid Nephilim children, the Eliud would be 25%  hybrid seed and 75%. Generation by generation the mutation would get lesser in that sense, but still all these generations could not inherit the kingdom of God since they were not fully human. 15 (Could this hybridization also take place in the last days?) I you follow this diluting from generation to generation, it’s not hard to see that it could have come on the ark in diluted form through one of Noah’s children or wives..

Here the angel tells Baruch exactly how many giants perished in the deluge.

And the angel said, “Rightly you ask; when God caused the Flood over the earth and destroyed all flesh and 409,00 0 giants,” and the water rose over the heights 15 cubits, the water entered Paradise and killed every flower, but it removed the sprig of the vine completely and brought it outside.”

1 Enoch 11        And to Michael he said, “Go, Michael, bind Shemihazah and the others with him, who have mated with the daughters of men, so that they were defiled by them in their uncleanness. 12        And when their sons perish and they see the destruction of their beloved ones, bind them for seventy generations in the valleys of the earth, until the day of their judgment and consummation, until the everlasting judgment is consummated. 13        Then they will be led away to the fiery abyss, and to the torture, and to the prison where they will be confined forever. 14        And everyone who is condemned and destroyed henceforth will be bound together with them until the consummation of their generation. <And at the time of the judgment, which I shall judge, they will perish for all generations.> 15        Destroy all the spirits of the half-breeds and the sons of the watchers, because they have wronged men.

He spoke, and the gods who are givers of good Heard him and cheered, and their hearts yearned for war 670 Even more than before. They joined grim battle again That very day, all of them, male and female alike, The Titans and the gods who were born from Cronos, And the three Zeus sent from the underworld to light, Dread and strong, and arrogant with might. 675 A hundred hands stuck out of their shoulders, Grotesque, and fifty heads grew on each stumpy neck. They stood against the Titans on the line of battle Holding chunks of cliffs in their rugged hands. Opposite them, the Titans tightened their ranks 150 HESIOD 680 Expectantly. Then both sides’ hands flashed with power, And the unfathomable sea shrieked eerily, The earth crashed and rumbled, the vast sky groaned And quavered, and massive Olympos shook from its roots Under the Immortals’ onslaught. A deep tremor of feet 685 Reached misty Tartaros, and a high whistling noise Of insuppressible tumult and heavy missiles That groaned and whined in flight. And the sound Of each side shouting rose to starry heaven, As they collided with a magnificent battle cry715 And the battle turned. Before they had fought Shoulder to shoulder in the crush of battle, But then Cottos, Briareos, and Gyges rallied, Hungry for war, in the front lines of combat, Firing three hundred stones one after the other HESIOD 151 720 From their massive hands, and the stones they shot Overshadowed the

It would take more effort to ignore the parallel between the judgment upon the fallen angels in the book of 1 Enoch and the Greek mythology of The Theogony. The difference is the book of Enoch gives precise and accurate details. Theogeny has 90% truth while 1 Enoch 1oo%. Theogeny almost covers everything else, save acknowleging the living creator God of 1 Enoch. In Theogony the constant is that every god is having sex and children by whoever they please, and also killing whoever they please. In 1 Enoch this is the sin of the fallen angels and their offspring.

1 Eoch 10:9 And to Gabriel he said, “Go, Gabriel, to the bastards, to the half-breeds, to the sons of miscegenation; and destroy the sons of the watchers from among the sons of men; send them against one another in a war of destruction. Length of days they will not have; 10 and no petition will be (granted) to their fathers in their behalf, that they should expect to live an everlasting life, nor even that each of them should live five hundred years.” Michael Commissioned to Imprison Shemihazah
and his Associates and to Destroy the Giants [36] 11 And to Michael he said, “Go, Michael, bind Shemihazah and the others with him, who have mated with the daughters of men, so that they were defiled by them in their uncleanness. 12        And when their sons perish and they see the destruction of their beloved ones, bind them for seventy generations in the valleys of the earth, until the day of their judgment and consummation, until the everlasting judgment is consummated. 13        Then they will be led away to the fiery abyss, and to the torture, and to the prison where they will be confined forever. 14        And everyone who is condemned and destroyed henceforth will be bound together with them until the consummation of their generation.

[Num 13:33 NET] 33 We even saw the Nephilim there (the descendants of Anak came from the Nephilim), and we seemed liked grasshoppers both to ourselves and to them.”

Devastating Angelic Sin

To suggest multiple incursions occurred is to trivialize such a monumental and horrific event. Also one would be ignoring many key points.

The fallen angel and human union was the primary cause of the flood. It was not just people, Genesis says all creature had become sinful.

[Gen 6:12 NET] 12 God saw the earth, and indeed it was ruined, for all living creatures on the earth were sinful. What does this mean? 1 Enoch explains that the giants were also committing bestiality and producing I would dare to say, “dinosaurs” and other sinful creatures.

1 Enoch 7:4/ And the giants began to kill men and to devour them. 5/ And they began to sin against the birds and beasts and creeping things and the fish, and to devour one another’s flesh. And they drank the blood.

The first generation hybrids were monstrous and were all destroyed within 500 years.

1 Enoch 10:1,9-10, 15     Then the Most High declared, and the Great Holy One spoke. 9 And to Gabriel he said, “Go, Gabriel, to the bastards, to the half-breeds, to the sons of miscegenation; and destroy the sons of the watchers from among the sons of men; send them against one another in a war of destruction. Length of days they will not have; 10 and no petition will be (granted) to their fathers in their behalf, that they should expect to live an everlasting life, nor even that each of them should live five hundred years.” 15        Destroy all the spirits of the half-breeds and the sons of the watchers, because they have wronged men.

They were not allowed to live full lives. Clash of Titans and Mahabharata tell the story. 16

Nothing in the Bible says, 8 righteous people were on the ark. Then why do we presuppose this? This is so obvious by the behavior of Ham in his fathers tent

[Gen 6:9 NET] Noah was a godly man; he was blameless among his contemporaries. He walked with God.

The line of Canaan is full of giants. I you connect the dots, obviously Noah saw this and cursed him! The giant genes were carried on the ark. This does not take much to see and understand. The late Rob Skiba explained this thoroughly.

  • NX-X = Nephilim female
  • NX-Y = Nephilim male
  • XX = Normal female
  • YX = Normal male

Here we see a 50/50 ratio of possible outcomes, both male and female…. I believe the Female Nephilim Punnet Square illustrates the most likely scenario, which is one mankind could easily survive. Any other scenario would spell certain doom for the human race, which only reinforces my belief that the Multiple Incursions Theory is the most absurd of possibilities in terms of what we may think God allowed to happen during and after the Flood. Thinking He allowed fallen angel seed to be continually reintroduced into the human gene-pool is infinitely more absurd than allowing tainted genetics to pass through the female line, which could still lead to a 50/50 chance that normal children could be produced in the wake of all flesh having previously become corrupted. 17

  1. Led Zepplin: Kashmir ↩︎
  2. All Scripture NIV unless otherwise stated ↩︎
  3. The Abridged Brown-Driver-Briggs Hebrew-English Lexicon of the Old Testament: from A Hebrew and English Lexicon of the Old Testament by Francis Brown, S.R. Driver and Charles Briggs, based on the lexicon of Wilhelm Gesenius. ↩︎
  4. R. H. Charles. The Book of Jubilees (Kindle Locations 943-946). Global Grey ebooks. Kindle Edition. ↩︎
  5. All 1 Enoch quotes from Nickelsburg, George W.E.; VanderKam, James C.. 1 Enoch: The Hermeneia Translation ↩︎
  6. Van Dorn, Douglas. Giants: Sons of the Gods (p. 60). Waters of Creation. Kindle Edition.  ↩︎
  7. Pitterson, Ryan. Judgment Of The Nephilim (p. 66). Days of Noe Publishing. Kindle Edition ↩︎
  8. Wayne, Gary (2014-12-10T22:58:59). The Genesis 6 Conspiracy: How Secret Societies and the Descendants of Giants Plan to Enslave Humankind . Trusted Books. . ↩︎
  9. Pitterson, Ryan. Judgment Of The Nephilim (pp. 58-59. Days of Noe Publishing. Kindle Edition ↩︎
  10. Chuck  Missler ↩︎
  11. See The Church Father on 1 Enoch ↩︎
  12. Skiba, Rob (Genesis and the Synchronized, Biblically Endorsed, Extra-Biblical Texts. ↩︎
  13. Defense of ancient Enoch authorship – Christianity Stack Exchange ↩︎
  14. See Apendix A ↩︎
  15. Similarities between the Greek and Indian Epics – Mahabharata, Rama ↩︎
  16. ↩︎

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